Embarrassed about pregnancy?

This may seem like a personal thing rather than a professional thing, but I'm realizing the professional is intruding on the personal. And frankly it's pissing me off!

I genuinely want to get pregnant, but I'm realizing I'm worried about being embarrassed! I've been at my current job for 4 years, I've known my boss for close to 20. He's very reasonable and supportive, he has 2 grown kids himself. Other people in the workplace have been on mat leave, it's just considered a normal part of life at the company. My role is not unduly stressful, and I don't have direct reports. Objectively it all seems totally fine.

What is going on? In my previous roles I was one of very few women on the team (sometimes the only woman), so maybe I've internalized this somehow - and interpreted it as "dedicated" engineers don't do "inconvenient" things like get pregnant? I'm in my late 30's and this is husband/partner #2, so maybe I'm afraid people will notice some aspects of this and judge without actually knowing the whole story? Maybe I'm just afraid of what my work-life balance will be like with a kid, and I'm worried about letting the team down? Possibly it's some hangover from early adulthood where people viewed getting knocked up as financially irresponsible?

Has anyone else experienced these feelings? Would love to hear how you dealt with them, thanks!