Superhero no kill rules. Judge, jury, and executioner.
This was a debate I was thinking about when preparing a story. Superheroes and whether or not it is okay to kill a villain. I am curious what people think about superheroes who kill.
There is a debate going on between Aurora the Ice Heroine and a creature called the Cerebrate. The brain bug of a hivemind of monsters. The two are friends discussing methods and goals.
The Cerebrate generally made the argument that killing prevents a future threat. Also ensures that a threat that exists now cannot rise again.
Aurora made an argument I felt was rather compelling. She claims that as bad as humans are. She is not judge, jury, nor executioner.
The Cerebrate countered claiming that slashing someone open with a claw is no different from any other form of death as all things die. Only speeding up the process.
This kind of reignited a debate I had for a while. If superheroes should kill villains. Particularly the point about being judge, jury, and executioner.
The Cerebrate basically managed its own society by itself. Any decision it makes is all done by that one mind. So it can’t really see any decision any other way besides being judge, jury, and executioner.
Meanwhile Aurora is a human who is adjusted to human society where people are not perfect.
I am curious what your thoughts on this debate would be and if there are any counter points you would make to either side.