Anyone ecperiencing Xbox server issues?
Updated: So I've been having very unusual issues today and was wondering if I was the only one.
First one was that anytime any game tried to sync to the cloud for saves when loading it would fail and say service unavailable, leaving me unable to get into the game if it was an online game.
I had party issues where it first disconnected me feom the party and then onwards would show everyone disconnected and leave me greyed out as if I were permanently stuck in game chat even though I wasn't.
I tried using discord and it was fine for a bit but then disconnected and said it had trouble linking my accounts or say my privacy settings were blocking it.
When i went to check my privavy settings it said feature was not available 95% of the time and the 5% that did work showed everything was were it should be.
I tried hard resets with power cable off, holding power button. Router reset and even a full xbox reset as well (without erasing games just saves on the console but they are on the cloud, which I can't access or sync to) Reset my router and checked with my ISP all is fine there. And of my friends i seem to be the only one so far that has had this issue. So wondering if anyone else is also having some or all of these issues.
Update: As of rn at 8 am est syncing saves and party chats seem to work just fine so the issue was resolved over night