What did Keto do to your hormones?

A post I read here helped me a lot to not get demotivated. The OP (I don't remember who you are but girl you deserve to win the lottery) checked on her weightloss every day and compared it with the day of her period.

I started doing the same because I've found myself in similar situations where the ratio calories/weightloss simply was no ratio. Anyway I discovered it was the ovulation, stopped getting frustrated, kept eating healthy yada yada.

Except last month (so second month of keeping up with clean keto without cheating out of frustration) I got a few big and painful pimple in addition to bloating. Mhm. Red flag but I also was trying new products so maybe ovaries maybe moisturizer who knows...

Well this month, so third month of clean keto, no new moisturiser but one I know for sure that is ok for my face, and my face is showing big painful pimples plus small non painful etc, in short I have of my face and neck (and one shoulder!) with pimples.

Now, I beg you pardon for the question but my country is neanderthal when it's about testing woman related hormones so I can't really talk to a doctor, so here I am in case you feel like sharing your experience