I've been depending on Alan Watts to sleep for a week now.
It feels like the only people that care about the deaths of Jews, are other Jews.
My first contact with crows
Wondering in what set/setting the Brown pages were written in Be Here Now
What is this called? And what’s its purpose?
How would you call this?
How will Duncan spin this? Or pretend it just doesn't matter or didn't happen?
Elon musk doing a nazi salute at the whitehouse. Unreal
My bad trip report
What jobs/occupations have you thrived in?
Est-ce qu'on doit être mince pour être acteur/actrice?
5-31. I grew up ugly af. Hit my peak in my early 20s, after my first son. Now I have 3 kids and am over weight and look eh.
Est ce que je paye le psychiatre si j’ai la CMU?
What Lana song sounds like this?
What Beyonce song sounds like this?
Caramelized mango oats
Why did Lana have a body double for this shot in the Freak music video?
On en parle des prix grotesques du maquillage ?
Avez vous le sentiment que les meufs veulent moins se mettre en couple qu’avant ?
Bhagvan dass
If we are in a simulation, then we are all immortal
Pourquoi c'est si mal vue dans le dating de pas consommer d'alcool durant le date?
What do you want to ask the Creators of the simulation?
What video game can I play with this vibe?
Aidez moi à centrer l'image de la pomme je vous en supplie
Répertoire de secte ?
Des parfums que vous aimez sur les mecs ?