What do think a pre-MCU Black Widow film would've been like?
Imagine if MCU Ultron had the horror and threat level of the Sentinels from DOFP
RVB Map Ideas
If Palpatine was beaten by Windu for real (as the sources point out), were his pleas genuine in any capacity? (Legends and Canon)
How would you feel about a Killer who can create time loops?
What if Red VS Blue characters fought against the Covenant?
I'm here to talk to you about the RvB Initiative.
"Black Widow isn't known to use a Sniper, it doesn't fit her Character" Um... open a Comic book.
Captain America sticks up for Peter and makes Jameson shave off his mustache
The fact I can fill up this template is worrying
How many Warthogs have the Reds used?
The complexities of Cap's secret in Civil War
Which Lantern Corps do you think the main cast and the villains would belong to?
How illegal and amoral were the Sim Wars?
Is it too outlandish to say this is the best Justice League film we’ve gotten?
What are some things you wish they did with Donut character?
How hard was Rey's childhood on Jakku compared to Anakin and Luke's on Tatooine?
Could the fragments counter Temple's lockdown remote?
How many ASOIAF characters would be needed to defeat Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir?
Who would in win a fight between all 50 Freelancer agents and every Simulation Trooper?
What are some things you wish they did with Simmons character?
How would you try to kill Vader?
What are some things you wish they did with Grif character?
Bill Cipher appears in Middle Earth during the War of the Ring how much chaos can he cause?
Which group looks more badass?