PS5 Has Sold More Units In Its First 4 Years Than PS4 Did
People who watch YouTube and Netflix at 2x speed are maniacs
Not sure if they did or didnt knew what they were really doing with this one, but it will sell..
Eating is boring
Where can I get 3 hours of this IRL ?
Games I can play for thousands of hours? MMO singleplayer? Numbers go up?
[Spoilers Extended] "What other stuff should I be into if I like ASOIAF?" Recommendations Thread
I want to get into anime but don't know where to start
Any game with this kind of vibe?
Whats your personal Game of the Year?
Trails turbo mode and brainrot
Excited about gaming again thanks to this sub
Looking for an older pixel style JRPG - PS2ish era.
Looking for games with good stories
I’m getting a Steam deck. What are some great RPGs for that?
Games like persona 5 and fe3h
I want to make a presentation about the history of JRPGs.
What's your favourite 'what the heck is that' enemy in an JRPG?
What are some of the silliest character names in JRPGs
I got em
Based on this list I just made, which anime do you think I should try watching next?
What’s your game of the year so far? I’d like to play it