Name your signature scent, your age and your current or dream job
tell me your least favourite storyline and why
What Happened to Lyme?
What is HBO's best casting?
What is the best Casey’s around town for pizza?
Emma never once dated a regular guy
No more DEAR
I want to smell like the girliest girl who ever girled
Cosleeping is ruining me mentally and physically.
Is it true you’re not supposed to reheat rice?
actor/actress/celeb cameos in music videos 🎶🎥
Would Angham be a safe blind buy for me?
If you were to make a honey perfume what other notes would you include?
Is Coco Mademoiselle finally becoming less popular?
Kevin Conroy has saved me from suicide more times than I can count. In 2020 I paid $100 for a 30 sec video. I got back over 6 minutes.
First time trying Sonic I been craving this place for years!
What’s your favorite Morgan storyline?
First time I've ever used an oven. How did I do?
What are your Hot Takes on OUAT?
Unpopular opinions, i start
The Low FODMAP diet is a bunch of crap
Toddler is pulling out my hair while we sleep
Review needed for this primer 🥺
Years since?
Started playing Hogwarts Legacy last night and heard a voice that sounded familiar…