Trying to rent a condo - scam?
People wi $1m+ in stocks, why do you still work?
Can i trust a random person to give him staff access on shopify
What job do y’all have that generates $5k a month??
I have no idea what to sell! Where do I sell?
How long after you raised prices did you realize it was a good/bad idea?
No one's coming
Let's say I'm an eccentric billionaire, giving away money to a select few who respond to this post.
Friend blocked me after they created the exact same business as me.
ChatGPT vs Reddit
My small business is failing big time. Need advise.
Cheapest way to have a real person answer the phone?
If I'm wrong then tell me I'm wrong
How can I start waking up early//not snoozing alarms?
Businesses you can start with 5k?
Traffic no Sales
In your opinion, what is the worst book ever written about business in history?
What would happen if I paid employees well above average and took 10-15% margin instead of 20-30%?
Is this too much or the dream dropshipping store? LMAO
Handing over my accommodation 7500Baht
Supplements that have the highest likelihood of improving erections
I can't handle my small business
Elaborate coinbase fraud support scam - lost $9k - hoping to help others
Is it possible to build a successful startup without any money, relying solely on free traffic?