Drinking beer alone and thinking about life choises
How do people even find partner?
Miten olette löytänyt kumppanin?
What is good tinder alternative?
drived home from work and noticed under hood coming whitesmoke and oil was empty?
When did humanity first encounter daemons?
How often do you drink?
was war in the heavens multigalactic war?
Doing warehouse tier jobs is literally so soul crushing
How was terra like during daot
WH30K in gate universe
Is finland most doomer country?
Miten valmistautua amk valintakokeisiin?
dermatologist said i might have scabies
I hate birthdays with passio
Well, we’re cooked.
Another weekend over. repeat rat race in warehouse
Literally me
So about chaos/traitor guard regiments
Constant crashing after 30 seconds to 5 minutes of gameplay
Long loading time opening game
Paid 150 zloty for 2km
cold before flight
how to meet people in poland?(going solo)
Where to travel in poland?