ULPT: Keeping returns at Target
Dose Anyone Remember Chuck-E-Cheese's Pizza Time Theater And Or Showbiz Pizza? If So what Do You Remember From Them?
What is your favorite thing about life?
[OC] Guy refuses to merge
What’s your favorite backhanded insult?
What movie can you watch a hundred times and still not get sick of it?
A kid catching sick air at Venice Beach skate park.
Hot take, every Eminem album is great.
DAE wish there was a way to downvote Facebook posts?
I put this up in my man cave. What song do you imagine him spittin’
How does a future ice age fit with global warming?
DAE try creating raps with AI just for shits and giggles?
If you had a fatal disease with 1% survival odds, will you restrict everything for that chance or live your last month freely and why?
Picked this up yesterday. My first handgun
What is your favorite prank you’ve ever pulled off?
Rich Vs Poor
What's something you have never seen anyone do?
These bad boys showed up on Facebook
Besides Wed-nes-day, what other words do you sound out to spell correctly?
What witty comment have you made that made a shit post go big?
DAE feel like instead of the usual don’t discuss politics and religion, politics has become the religion for a vast amount of people?
What has gradually disappeared over the last 20 years with people realizing it?
What scares you most about the rise in AI?
Does anyone else have an entire playlist full of songs Em has been featured on? If so, which is your favorite?
DAE wrap their hotdog in a paper towel, so that grease doesn’t get on the plate when using the microwave?