Am I too old for RS3
Right (leaning) subreddit
Upgraded from Bambino Plus to Jet 🥷
At what point did you decide you are happy with your espresso?
Which one suits espresso better whole milk or half and half?
Southern Oregon Progressive subreddit
New Sage/Breville Oracle Jet – Grind Setting 38 for 34s Shot?
How does my shot look? What does a great shot generally taste like?
Salary increase negotiation software developer
New to trading
Map of ICE raids across PNW
Knock Box Recommendation
Just so tired of it all.
How does my shot look? How should a proper shot generally taste?
Oracle Jet - How Much of an Upgrade over the Oracle Touch?
Hope to keep making this return ever year. Up over 200%
Oracle jet grinder calibration too fine
Cedar Commons project Medford - What happened?
Sour espresso?
Top burr won’t click into the “lock” position
Oracle Jet first Drink
Earning 10k per month
Oracle Jet
Any good flicks featuring Kurt Russell?
Does this look like an acceptable latte?