I conjured this up, what do?
Any learning I could do before my associates degree (software development)
Alright lads, just became an apprentice, which would be my first wand?
Need to know the normal number of apprentices for a new wizard.
How young is too young to begin orb pondering?
I am currently getting arrested for magical harassment help what do I do (Image unrelated) (help please hELP)
Spotted the illusive cloud giant wizard outside my tower this morning
I saw a few small groups of Orcs prowling around the perimeters of my tower. They look like they're plotting an attack of sorts. Will this simple Eruption spell be enough to take 'em out, or do I need more firepower?
Advice for cleric apprentice who wants to combine music and instruments with my spells
Does anyone else feel super confident, or like you have an answer for everything when on LSD?
Philosopher > others
Now what?
How did you first hear about autism?
What do you guys think may have contributed to America becoming a politically polarized horror show (besides Trump getting elected in 2016)?
Anon bakes an abomination
Is this subreddit becoming red pilled?
Indianapolis,Indiana anyone who can host or has location?
Memantine to reset THC tolerance?
Sharing Is Caring ☺️
Any research chems that could replicate my first time smoking weed?
What's the vibe and market like in Canada compared to the U.S?
Need help figuring out if a website it legit.
Drugs as a special interest?
Not the response I was expecting…
Anon does an upperdecker.