How do I board and conquer a station/settlement that has point defense?
How can I get winning ships in the fight for LEO?
First Fleet I can build before Escalation if I invest everything - How many years will a 1k power fleet keep me safe?
Is building Quarters + Marine Barracks on every station/hab overkill?
Which version to play
Question on how to handle alien fleets at 2029
Fleet size to defend Earth
Please give me advice how to proceed properly into the midgame
V68 - 6k Pop Human City
Appreciation post
Gibt es eigentlich noch Grafikkarten zu kaufen?
I recreated the roman empire's borders ( mostly ), ignore the rest of the world, but what now?
Wie umgehen mit Obdachlosen im Treppenhaus
Openly fascist American President REMOVES Police BRUTALITY database. Building confidence for an American Gestapo.
If I have an Eurasian Union and research German Freistaat etc do I get the claims when gobbling up countries or do I have to build them separately before unifying?
How good is the average asteroid? What do I settle?
Experimental branch - How do I make peace/ally with factions?
How long do you personally play for?
how to accelerate module Building ?
What tech level makes sense for an early construction ship?
Are ya winning, son?
Linken-Spitzenkandidat Jan van Aken: „Milliardäre sollten Vermögen über 999 Millionen Euro morgen abgeben.“ Der Spitzen-Linke Jan van Aken will Milliardären robust das Geld abnehmen. Er plädiert trotz Putin für Abrüstung jetzt – und will sich bei Sahra Wagenknecht entschuldigen. Ein Interview.
Elon Musk Talks Over Trump in Humiliating Sean Hannity Interview
Should I bundle or diversify research labs on my stations?