AITA for arguing with two parents at a concert ?
I love how apparently the only pic of Iroh this person had was him with a Glock
AITA for crashing the ship and putting everyone at risk while trying to be a good captain?
/AITAH for crossing my extroverted friend's boundaries because she crossed mine first?
AITA for refusing to marry him and rejecting him within hours after he proposed and I said yes?
why people are saying Korra is the worst avatar? In my opinion she's very good, I love her🩷
AIO he forgot to feed my cat even though he promised
AITAH for telling my girlfriend her dark humour is cruel ?
Am I the asshole for shutting down and ignoring my bf?
AITAH for “disowning” my brother after he turned his back on our mother?
AITAH for humiliating my friend after he kept bragging about his IQ?
AIO: my bf of over a year can’t spell my name
WIBTA if I didn't ask my best friend to be my maid of honor?
Aita for asking my sil to stay away from me until I discuss with my brother about their conception issues
WIBTA for getting upset of a friend taking a pic of me after I passed out?
If I remember correctly he was kinda in denial becuz he lost Yue and then saw her in the swamp
WIBTAH if I broke up with my girlfriend after she might've faked harassment to cover her cheating?
AITA for cutting off a long time friend because she ate my husband’s olives?
AIO for not liking my boyfriends girl best friend