yup, ive lost all faith.
Bunch of millenials. Came to play D&D but something went wrong
Overall thoughts on the original GTA?
My new invention
Trump Signs Executive Order to Build Migrant Detention Camp in Guantanamo Bay
How to resolve the mexican gulf thing
POV: This twink dude is hired to wash your car. What do you do next? 🤔
Don’t call Tesla vehicles ‘swasticars’
Who would win this hypothetical election in New York
Average UN vote
Irish Anti N*zi Flag
They aren't wrong
I got pregnant at 14. AMA.
Fuck dem tendons, but no knife can cut through this bone!
Bro is Haxxer
Furry in my class
What Flag is this?
What is this country? (Right answers only)
I made it 38 years…
what car do we drive ?
I finally won the car!
my fingerprint
I keep seeing this man in my dreams...