Good thing I had ...The Door... Truly one of the skills of all time
Ich krieg ein Taubheitsgefühl im Hirn beim lesen
Mr. Qi set me up 😭. I am starting to forget that stardew is a farming sim.
So uhh, any tips
This was me even before all the bugs were discovered
Is this something I should worry about?
What would you call this country?
Subway is now charging by the vegetable
The Farmer's Lunch
Electricity to catch worms?
PLEASE Im at endgame 4 stardrops in but still struggle in dungeons
The Complete Breakfast
Unpopular opinion, I LOVE fishing
Work fridge, guess what I do?
Beschreibt eure Ausbildung in einem Satz ohne zu Sagen wo/als was ihr arbeitet & versucht das Rätsel eines anderen Azubis zu lösen
Die Elite und ihre Zeichen
Fishing in stardew is such a relaxing activity
I fear I've made a mistake...
The gifting bug is definitely confusing if you aren't expecting it 😂
Was letzte Webcam
What is Aldi like in Germany? Here's what it's like in the USA!
Katzenfutter mit Berliner? Bundeswehr Truppenküche €4,40
Name this Place (Wrong Answers Only)
New player any tips?
The Inland Taipan, the world’s most venomous snake, with enough venom in a single bite to kill 100 adult humans, is utterly powerless against the King Brown.