this disorder is fucking pathetic
What is the main cause behind social anxiety , awkwardness and low confidence??
I shot myself in the head and survived
What's your BMI as a person with AvPD?
Years of isolation makes me feel like everyone is profoundly unrelatable
How do you deal with overly affectionate friends?
I wish embarrassment was fatal, so I wouldn’t have to keep going after it happens
i wonder how it feels to be someone’s crush
i hate getting noticed
Face looks pissed when socially anxious
Overcome social anxiety by strengthening social skills
I hate being mentally ill
I really do wish I was religious
How to accept the fact no one likes you
I understand why people kill themselves.
If we are nihilists then nothing matters. So what’s the reason for discussing it here?
r/crappymusic might be the lamest sub I’ve ever seen
Dictionary Definitions of Nihilism Seem To Miss The Point
Those of you who have negative self-talking: what's your type(s)? (Changed from text post to image post)
Everyone is cool except for me
How to fulfill emotional needs without a gf?
What specifically stops you from making friends and not being alone?
I hate everyone
Being dead is better than living.