Artists similar to Omar S, Delroy Edward’s, Hype Williams ?
On a rewatch and Jesus I forgot how much I hated every single character.
What are some songs you think would make a great cover for Phish to do?
Who is the most famous person you’ve run into in Detroit?
What should I avoid?
Well Detroit it’s time to be honest
What track by (The) Melvins do you think KGLW could/would cover best?
Mixes of 2024
How does this nerdy little white dude have so much fucking soul/funk? Mark Farina is one of the best to ever grace the decks!!
How does K compare to MDMA, Acid, and 2CB?
House songs with the best basslines?
Pre show music
Other albums like Absolute Elsewhere?
I swear, King Gizz never let this guy enjoy a full breakfast, do they?
A post about Amby....
Ben UFO - Track ID
I might go to to a Blood Incantation concert, what should I know?
[Setlist Thread] November 15, 2024 "Marathon Show" @ Germania Insurance Amphitheater · Austin, TX
Metal suggestions similar to Petro
Anyone in Fayetteville at the venue and have rolling papers??
Hi i am Rainbow Hat from okc
Cookin’ at the Synth Table
The table has a name
How many of you are actual electronic music fans ?