How to Get a RTX 5080/5090 in Europe (France)? Never Seen One in Stock
5090 Users. Undervolting
Finally got mine !
Emmanuel Macron was the great liberal hope for France and Europe. How did it all go so wrong?
Petite ville vs grande ville ?
I have never met an American who speaks Spanish well, but it is very easy for me to learn English and i am spanish speaker hahaha
Pascal a quitté le Front national par amour pour Farida
is immigrating to france just for the cheese worth it
Nul en conduite après 20h
Des marques made in France abordable ?
Très beau panneau Michelin indiquant la direction de Dunkerque ! Il date du 16 août 1962 !
Proposition d'innovation SNCF au salon Vivatech pour encore mieux confondre son train