How would you guys rate my world on a scale from 1 to 10?
Why can't I achieve my wargoals here?
Interrupted colonization
Who are the best harsh/unclean vocalists in Metal?
Oh he'll be fine. I need those Guardsmen
Modelky z platformy OnlyFans čelí neustálým krádežím obsahu, přichází tím o desítky tisíc. "Jsou to jen d*vky," reagují leakeři
Friendly Spy is friendly :D
"Emilia Pérez" won two Oscars: Best Supporting Actress for Zoe Saldaña and Best Original Song for “El Mal,” and no one who accepted acknowledged the transgender community.
Western Communists are something else. The Internet does not forgive nor forget you glazing Putin’s ballsacks.
Enderman used to be scary.
Black mages are nothing without their staff.
Tell me
After the release of “Shrek 5” teaser, people started judging the upcoming film only by its looks. This is a reference to the fact that people missed the point of the first “Shrek” movie.
This Quar's Warhammer by me
I accidentally created this disgusting looking thing. 😭
Simple logic, I think
Rate my sovietpunk world
Watch out, Dan!
DAE think Tywin had Shae peg him that night or just me?
Divné věci z vašich bucket listů
I like being called a radio guy
Why do so many people continue to idolize Tywin after he was revealed in his final moments to be a massive hypocrite? Are they stupid?
a tale as old as time
Pack it up guys, we got twink orcs now