Need a step 3 study partner exam in 1 month
Need a DEDICATED study partner! Need to wrap up the exam in 1-1.5 months!
To all IMG's delaying year of graduation. Do you think programs will know that you delayed YOG just to apply as a fresh grad?
Step 3 Study Schedule, IMG friendly
ROL peds
Step 3 study partner
For day 1
Are there any non-us IMGs applying this cycle who haven’t taken their step 3 and want to take it before match?
Study partner
Dating as women with loose skin
LOI responds
Sinai Baltimore Pediatrics
decision making process for those who dual applied
Peds people! How are you guys determining ur ROL?
Hey everyone! How can we know about the prestige of a program?
After you interview how much do scores matter?
Elmhurst Mount Sinai Peds
Rank order list help
[Plan] Friday 17th January 2025;please post your plans for this date
Ranking LA programs
Passed with minimal prep (IMG)
studying this little will be enough?
Help me rank