The President Annouces severe economic retaliation against Colombia for refusing two Repatriation Flights.
The beggar thy neighbor of asset classes
Tax Foundation: Restoring expensing for R&D, machinery, and equipment; extending better cost recovery to structures investment; and avoiding raising the corporate tax rate would create a stronger, pro-investment policy environment for the US economy.
Over the past 15 years, the US economy has been in a recession for only 2 months.
The world's 50 most profitable companies in 2024, based on data from Fortune.
Our regular reminder that this is nothing but an absurd anti-Semitic conspiracy theory
According to Reuters, the US State Department issued a ‘stop-work’ order for all foreign aid. Trump ordered the pause to review whether the aid allocation was aligned with his foreign policy. What are your thoughts?
Donald Trump is *Very* Serious About Taking Greenland. Denmark and the rest of Europe are in Panic Mode.
It’s tariff time
Opposing link bans doesn’t make someone a fascist sympathizer. If we, as a society, can’t agree on where the free speech ‘line’ is, we must err on the side of more speech, not less.
5th horseman has entered the chat
President Donald Trump says he'll 'demand that interest rates drop immediately'
That’s going to be up to NATO, not Russia. What are your thoughts?
Better known as bullshit earnings
Civil and polite debate for the W
The founding gangsters
They were right were'nt they?
Name a major issue in modern society, and I’ll link it back to Ronald Reagan.