How to deal with being in a weird place since starting working out?
fuck everyone who keeps saying that things will get better
Because I feel like committing suicide for no reason?
Weighted blanket
Sta je to sto ljudi konstantno rade,a nikada ti nece biti jasno zasto?
Monks and other high ranking people of fate are just people who love that lifestyle
Question for any doctors, how serious is a double nose deviation?
Koje misljenje imate, a da znate da se vecina ljudi s njim nece sloziti?(unpopular opinion)
Zna li neko što su me pregledali na granici?
If you’re good at something, share what makes you good at it
INTPs, how much do you yap?
If you’re good at something, share what makes you good at it?
I need everyone to tear me a new one
Anxious and moody/angry to fidgety and younger than I am attitude pipeline
kako prestati biti lenj i, kako bi ameri rekli, biti u “freeze mode”-u?
Momci, koja je najbolja stvar koju ste uradili za svoje samopouzdanje?
Is there a phase in working out when you feel "weird"
Psylocibe Cubensis ?
Rad, posao
Two weeks running I keep being woken up
Anxiety when working out
Trčanje polumaratona (21,095km)