How do you treat persons who have a crush on you (but you aren't interested)?
For those who travel, use pipe isolation tube to preserve edges and the travel bag!
For the wives who’s husband always want them…
Carving advise? How can I get there ?
Wife is cheating with her boss
What are some of the 'you better don't mess with these placements'
Which sign did you notice having stalker tendencies?
What is your advice regarding hookup phases and fwb phases as a man?
Would you leave your spouse of 33 years due to consistent lying?
Husband (28M) drafted a contract to approve me (32f) visiting my parents on weekends.
90Kg sandbag , looking for technique tips
Board too short?
How would you bring up signing a prenup?
Yes Drive vs Now Drive Pro?
My husband thinks I am a 6/10…and I don’t know how to make peace with it.
Why did she fall? tips for a newbie?
Moral Dilemma with Abortion
Advice for noob snowboarders about pants
My husband (M28) read a venting session between me(F27) and my bsf
Has anybody gotten married real quick like in 3 months' time and regret later?
Aquarius venus definitely has the wildest fashion sense.
Husband dropped the ball on our anniversary dinner and I can’t get over it
Peak Lenin climb in 2025
What’s the obsession with carving