Wizard blocks me on youtube
I am devestated
Probleem korteri soojas hoidmisega, aidake oma nõu ja tarkusega!
Redditi vanemad
Tõukoera paaritamine
I got pregnant and terminated the pregnancy now I am dealing with the aftermath
What has happened to the tranquility of Helsinki?
I (35M) am still in love with my ex-wife (37F). How do I tell her without ruining what we have now?
Fiancé cheated by going to a brothel
Ma olen luuser
My (31F) in-laws are ruining my marriage
What’s something fucked up that happened to you as a kid, that you didn’t think twice about until adulthood?
Kas sellisel asjal on mingit seaduslikku alust?
My partner did not attend our sons birthday
Partner says trust wasn't broken because I caught them first
My (F23) boyfriend (M24) got me nothing for valentine's day