My Response to KoolDood91 Officially Leaving r/playboicarti
u/Kooldood91 is leaving r/playboicarti
That sudden realisation hits different
Am I ugly (except I am ugly)
Hm, wonder what these service dogs do? 🤔
13 to 16 Mewing
What are you naming you kids?
What's your aslume name
Who do you think would objectively win in a fight? Insomniac Spider-Man or Homelander?
What element of RDR2 do you feel not many people know about?
What to do after beating the Game?
You need to survive 4 nights in the night folk swamp, and choose only one of these people to protect you. (Choose wisely)
There are quite a few examples of the first sequel outshining the original, but are there examples where the second sequel (3rd film) is arguably the best in the series?
i cant be the only one that thinks this right?
Voted Red 😈
Out of these 5 characters, who would you consider to be Spider-Man’s best friend???
cavill supes with Curl? or Without?
How do you think Peter will lose this suit?
I may have noticed something
The most braindead take of Batman
What’s y’all’s favorite little thing to do in the game?
Rockstar should have made churches accessible
whats the point of diving