Do you bring your gerbil(s) in for regular vet checkups?
According to most of the comments California should get 0 federal fire relief. Wtf is wrong with people? These are your countrymen, your brethren.
I want some *strange* fantasy. What's out there?
Do you use a tofu press?
ELI5 why does pasta made with a bronze die produce the porous surface texture? Wouldn't any metal die work?
Have you ever made beet brownies?
Trælanípa - The Lake above the Ocean
When does it warm up
ISO locally made soaps/salves/skincare
I hope it's correct
A cool guide flour substitution using plain flour
Best way to half a raw sweet potato
Does anyone have a copy of Stella Parks skillet Hummingbird cake recipe?
Why do my chocolate chip cookies always come out like this??? lol
What does, "Leave overnight", mean? (Kenji Lopez, wings)
Eli5 : Why do we mix baking soda (basic) and white vinegar (acidic) to clean with a neutral solution ?
herbivore critical care after injury?
Vegan recipe website recommendations?
Are we getting a storm Thursday? What's your go-to weather app?
Watching PD for the third time, but now the secretiveness is bothering me
Why cream cheese?? Just curious.
The White House bans the AP indefinitely over the use of ‘Gulf of Mexico’
What process do you use for yeast.
Why is my bread dough always too sticky/liquidy even when I follow the exact (gram) recipe?
Can I parboil potatoes and roast them the next day?
Homemade cheesesteak on homemade hoagie roll. Recipe in description