Anyone seen this rip off puss in boots I found at a pawn shop? 😂
which will you keep?
Who else?
My child's 9yo friend began going gray when he was 5.
>bubble wrap!
I hate my body
My lil broski said my room was "too much"💀
Saw Wicked tonight for my birthday present!
Type, “I am skipping school because” and let autocomplete do its thing
type "Sonic &" and let Autocomplete finish it
Do I look like Batman (say yes)
Is it alright to talk to your 16 year old kid like this?
I hate women and what they did to me
Where was this scene??
give it a title!
Did I mess this up?
[15F] looking for friends
Type, “I started a” and let autocomplete do it thing
Any other littles use Finch? (The self-care app)
Games industry analyst claims game companies hope GTA 6 will cost $80-100 dollars
Is it bad if he (24M) follows a lot of nsfw accounts on twitter? (I'm 19F)
This chicken strip looks like uh...
[15F] looking for friends under 19
My head look like coconut
Angry parents turning Chuck E. Cheese into a warzone