Romantasy books with an FMC that's an actual adult?
Do any Millennials take aspirin?
Please help us name our band
Are My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys and This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things connected?
Who’s your discomfort character?
What should I name her? (unserious names only, like turn signal or Opel Astra.
Congratulations! You now have a lifetime supply of the last thing you google. What is it?
Worst book I've read that everyone else seemed to love
Favorite episode? Answer using only emojis.
Apologies if this was previously discussed but are these discontinued?
Channel 13 (Taylor's Version) SiriusXM
Spicy Orc, Monster, & Alien Romance Recs
Does anyone know where the release date information was moved to on the android app?
Can I read CC without reading TOG first?
Y’all… is Lucien Gwyn’s dad????
Next CC book hofas spoiler
CC Book 2 Theory
Stop working and pay attention to me -Rufio
Black cat 90s album cover featuring my two black cats Sirius and Rufio and our foster cat Charmander (he has just one white toe, hoping it doesn't break the rules)
what are phrases that were common in the 80 and 90 but people born after 2000s will not understand?
There's two things in "Home Alone" that unfailingly make me laugh every time and neither of them are the obvious choices like Culkin or the trap-related slapstick.
Which 3 songs do you think provide the most “evidence” of Gaylor?
What is the soonest you've ever DNFd a book?
I found him all snuggled up 🖤
What the heck? I’m in California…