new haircut
Are anyone of you in debt?
Are you actually cooked if you get a "useless" degree?
Any INFP Single Christian men on here?
if only i could tag about 86% of this sub on this video..
Shrouded Fable all of a sudden this week…
gen Zers older than 21, how many of you are now alcoholics?
He made that score seem so easy
I started cutting and immediately noticed a big difference in my strength
Los extremos se tocan weeey 🥺😢😢😢
I will stop reposting this meme when every centrist gives up.
How many hourglasses do y’all have?
Don’t bother using coms if you’re a female
Hornyloveposting U/personalitysea8629 because I’m fucking in love with him
If Emilia Pérez was about a trans man
I tried my new Hanfu mbut without makeup or hairstyle yet
I have almost 350 hours into this game and I legit have not seen ONE person use this skin…like ever
Are you in love right now?
Barbell Squats or Smith Machine squats? What do you prefer?
Which character is your main choice for each role?
If you could give on piece of advice for your 10 year younger self, what would it be?
afew days post break up how do youse deal with it? - happy sunday!!
beautiful day yesterday
Fast unloading of a barbell
What the f*ck is wrong with some of you? People have different preferences!
What villain do you most want to see in the game?