This is the ugliest Gundam design I've ever had the displeasure of seeing
Side Story: Quest Galore
The searing sands and the tragic Siren
Are those characters most wasted character from U6 in franchise?
The encounter quest
Sorry but wtf is this exchange
YOU. SHAMAN KING FANS what’s your reasoning for liking the anime/manga?
Curious,What's your "I did not care for the Godfather" Take in Digimon?
Why did today's hologra hurt so much
Did Lyserg deserve his redemption (2001)?
What weapon to switch into as I enter the ice
Do all Reiwa 3rd Riders have tragic backstory?
If you have a concept please share
A tearful reunion and an unforseen awakening
Obscure fruit names
My friend and his cute kitty cat girlfriend
Gundam: The Pull Up Game Award
Which of the baby Digimon below would you choose as your partner Digimon?
question, so is Yoh forever burdened to make the world a "better place" to convince Hao?
What it means to be a hunter
so did Hana see them both as mother and father figures? or merely guardians? or maybe the parental connection was just to Tamao and not to Ryu?
Blitz Gundam [Mirage Colloid]
Who's your favorite Chojin? Feel free to tell me why.
What defines a Gundam Suit?