What to do when you can’t run ads on the main social media platforms?
Can Respawn please fix the reconnect feature.
Day off grinding diamond all day add ElMandoSlays if you need squad mates
LFG Diamond IV
Respawn please change Fuse ads animation.
Holy shit bro
Its so true
I cried a little bit after this. It felt like all the practice was finally starting to pay off
[Jan 14] Apex Legends Stability Update
Rank Question.
Loba is 10 ft tall
Need some serious, civil, talks about the ranked system.
Kings Canyon Rank is Terrible this Season .
Why so many female legends Respawn?
Gamers have certainly gotten more...whiny.
Respawn Please fix the Reconnect Feature
I'm sorry TOES
I miss the original S6 shields and TTK
Season 6 Evo Armor Changes
Even little Timmy here isn’t pleased about this season.
Even little Timmy here is not please about Apex.
Died in two shots from a charge rifle as wraith, ttk needs to buff
Shroud streamed Apex but it was very short lived
Rampart's passive is unironically her best ability
Season 6 is Trash.