My girl wants me to meet her best friend but I don't want to...
Does anyone make you simp?
Had you ever given your partner a second chance after she/he cheated?
Do you guys like hugs?
How lonely are you?
How not to be insecure?
I feel weird..
Would you date a girl with a chronic disease?
I 24F am bothered by my 24M boyfriends ask for sex
I [25M] compared my gf [25F] to 1400 women—how do I know if I find her physically attractive enough to marry?
I feel like I'm being used
Should people with bipolar avoid triggers?
What do you find instantly attractive in a woman? Would you say it’s mostly physical attributes or attributes outside of looks?
Why can't women be straight up?
Why don't you tell your thoughts the way they are?
I wish I could sleep my feelings away
Men, if your girlfriend asks you to break the friendship with a friend with whom you have FWB in the past, would you break it?
Obsession, or lust?
Hey men! I would like to read your saddest break up story.. here's mine.
Would you sleep with a married woman?
Obsession, love or lust?
I don't like dating, It's boring.
What would you not do for a million dollars?
My ex girlfriend 23F cheated on me 23M in 2023 but I took her back
Would ya'll date someone bipolar? That's on medication