Who's been everyone's longest serving player? This is mine
GK on corners
Cant get 120Hz on my MSI monitor when I connect my other 1080p, 60hz, monitor
Gifts from crows?
How to remove residue from underlay?
Is my takeaway too much on the inside? Also guess the handicap if you want
Who are you benching this gameweek?
EA with some more stealth nerfs discovered… this is getting ridiculous
most annoying
First time model builder here. I need some help, the deck has a huge gap from where I'm meant to glue it onto. how do I minimise the gap? the model is an occre albatros
Used up all my fodder, absolutely screaming!
Why do 1 stunt, if you can do two in a row?
So this was a first for me in fut champs
Objectives in friendlies is the worst!!
the most impossible objective ever asked
Time to replace martial. 1.2mil budget. Who to get?
Do I do the TOTS Kane SBC??
For those saving packs for two days and thinking you’ll get the chance for just Prem tots you won’t. They always have two available at any one time. It will be championship and prem in 2 days.
I miss the part where this is “Fun”
do anyone elses players make fake runs? they start running then just stop when i play the ball
It's like they do one single skill move and go "Nahhhh this card is busted"
This person clearly does not trust keeper stats
And... +2 for Weghort.
91 RATED WEGBEAST INCOMING. Despite richarlison brace.
did the 92+ prime or moments, got this. What did everyone else get? p.s. he sucks