Guy in swastika shirt is loitering, does a salute, what do you do?
[22] what am I missing?
World Peace Glazing
Ted's popping off in the blue-collar subreddits.
Pick two
What do you wear to bed?
Human easily beat SBG and moves onto the final, next is probably the toughest matchup yet,Symbolic vs TSOP
Legitimately what are the odds of this happening
breakcore peter
Gibt es in Wien sowas wie "Open Door"-Homepartys oder Events mit ähnlichem Vibe?
Which Show had you like this?
Acid on Fever?
What are the best video games stories? No spoilers please.
What game series had you like this?
Does my bird look like schlatt
Sekiro "powerscalers" for absolutely no reason whatsoever:
Is there any other game with as satisfying combat as sekiro has?
What bands you would consider as “dad rock”?
Why are ted and schlatt making out in the new episode
Which game is this for you?
Bro thinks she's the boss to surpass Big Boss
I went to to’hajilee and re-shot this scene
If you were to be born again, with your birthplace chosen at random based on regional population distribution, which region would you pick?
Thoughts on "Pig Destroyer"??