Have been diagnosed with brain cancer and not sure how long I have left
Does he have anything to say to me? I want to know if he’s okay.
Sorry this is dumb but I just moved into my first apartment so please don’t judge and I’m not used to this type of oven - what do each of these pictures mean?
What do you regret most?
Free readings !
AITA for not wanting to wash the dishes after gf cooks us dinner ?
AITA for Kicking a 6 Year old off my switch account
What exactly constitutes a date between two people?
Which horror movie is genuinely scary?
What smell transports you directly to another place?
What are your thoughts on YouTube Shorts?
What do you say to your partner after sex?
People who use Reddit, why?
What do you refuse to believe people actually like?
Women make me feel terrible
How has covid changed your life?
What "old people" habits do you have?
People who have Nazi grandparents or great grandparents, how does it feel to have grandparents or great-grandparents with a legacy like that?
What's the strangest thing that has happened at a funeral?
What is edible but isnt?
If heaven exists, what would be the first thing you did when you got there?
What small thing do people usually take for granted, but is actually really valuable?
What is a distinct smell that reminds you of your childhood?
What are you having for dinner and why?