I signed over the ownership of my cock to ToughWelder617 🤭
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
I finally understand the pokemon hype ! 😈
Are my romance books accurate about a male climax?
Brat face 😛
needy bitch f22
Humping the tub
[39M] Will wear a cage for the next 6 hours, because I found it too hard to keep my hands off during no touch challenge.
Confessions of a brush puppy
i couldn’t wait
Guys; STOP falling for low effort posts
obsessed with cock rn 😖
[39M] I got my cage and I'm wearing it now. First thing goonettes did when I told them was to tease me 🙄
Without revealing major details, what is some sex gossip you heard among your friend group?
Last time you had sex?
Jan Journaling Day 15: If you had a mantra for the year what would it be?
Men who find Anime/Hentai erotic, doesn't it bother you that a dude drew and animated it?
How would you like to be flirted with?(question for everyone)
What’s the #1 quality you seek in a partner, in or out of the bedroom?
We're halfway through January, what are you looking forward to in February?
Having testicles is a blessing and a curse, don't you agree ?
What did you last eat?
Have you ever had someone come to your dms & start a chat with no messages?
What type of job do you have?
What turns you on the most?