Insane pharmaceutical products from the late 19th-early 20th centuries.
ct bf
Very sexy vintage phenotype that is going extinct
Serial killers who participated in historical atrocities?
People being genuinely mad at Morgan Spurlock for lying through his teeth on Supersize Me was peak American shithead culture
Iranian women before the Islamic revolution of 1979.
What the fuck happened to this guy
The controversy around Elon's salute at the inauguration becomes a VERY different story when you consider he's disabled and has involuntary muscle spasms
Did we misunderstand, was he just neurodivergent this whole time??? 🤔🤔🤔
Dasha and Maddie (also known as Friend) in GQ.
I can tell you all are haters since you didn't post about Melania smiling later that night in her inaugural ball gown
More prescient now than ever (from February 2023)
>final boss for atheists
Currently watching “The Rape of Europa”….
She's so adorable
get tf out my way type way
To the dudes here: How would you feel about a 23 year old woman with literally no relationship experience at all
People who hate on all modern art/architecture are NPCs
Ugandan dictator Idi Amin reviewing a military parade, 1970's. (866x610)
Getting drunk is really overrated