Best Staking Option for Small Balance Wallets? (Less than 32 ETH)
Risks of ETH staking
Staking on Coinbase
Best bridge to go onto Arbitrum!
Wahooo!! Finished this little sexy sweater today 🤣💜✨
I’m old, 35yo, opinions?
I spent 20 hours on this ink drawing. Then I animated it!
What being a meelee DPS in DF season 3 feels like
Weekly M+ Discussion
The lack of a “No” option on almost every app…
[ui] [help] Plater nameplates not showing on some people in open world. Enemy/Friendly faction doesn't make a difference. Anyone got an idea?
My Professor Garlick from Hogwarts Legacy cosplay
Who would win in a Airbending match?
What is the maximum ilvl I can get without Dragonflight?
My Priest is constantly broke
And so it began. Best buds.
Easiest Melee DPS at the moment (PvE Only)
The mr robot community is kind of big on TikTok compared to other platforms
“Heil Spez”
Most future-proofed class?
I've wasted my money so Comments with no replies gets an award.
QC 45 Megathread
My Best Friend got a heart!!!!