Help me name him!
Are there any natives that can outcompete invasives/weeds?
An Autobiography that Surprised You With How Good It Was
What's your favorite cover of a Beatles song?
What's a book you had to read for school (high school or college), but it was actually really good?
Is it wrong that I don’t want to see the Book of Kells?
Looking for books about human/animal relationships
I’ve never cried while reading a book. Let’s change that.
Should I Have Been Allowed to Read That?
Books that are not about food but which contain rich descriptions of food, especially regional foods, in the course of their stories
My third quilt!
Any interesting experiences reading books in public?
Help us name this sweet red boy.
Non fiction that reads as fiction?
Struggling with The Final Girl Support Group
L. M. Montgomery’s Plain Jane: Though not as well known as Anne of Green Gables, Montgomery’s Jane of Lantern Hill also explores domesticity, freedom, and, yes, Prince Edward Island.
Those alive during 9/11, what was the worst moment on that day?
Aer Lingus Weighing Carry Ons?
What are some of the *unique* books you've read?
Southern and/or midwest horror recommendations
Books recs with seances/spiritualism/occult please!
A US destination that feels like a foreign country
What's the last book you gave 5 stars
What’s the worst popular book you’ve read recently?