Who/What are figures that don’t exist yet would you buy immediately?
In the books what two moments broke your heart most
Star Wars: Galactic Legacy
Good FF7 books?
Thumbnail contest $40 to best one
Threw some specialist gear on a Mando Death Trooper my friend painted white to make a Ghost Trooper
The Crystal Star pose with Mandalorian Luke!
Where to find custom lightsabers?
I know Pewds rarely plays games now but… it do be like that sometimes.
Got this and jumped out of my chair at work. Then saw it wasn’t artisan.
Let's gooooo, I just made it to 100 subs!!! How was your journey to that magic number?
121,000 Views and 605 subscribers that's the lowest subscribe counts I have ever had from a viral video. How did this happen?
If I want to read Star Wars, what book should I start out with (preferably on kindle)?
Got to 4K watch hours before I got to 250 subs
Best legends marvel epic collection volumes?
Is this a good price?
Twitch streaming
I paid for an editor and now the rest of my videos look terrible compared to the video I paid for
Another Compiled List of Shops to Choose From Plus Cheap Pic of Kitbash
So hyped, can’t believe I found this
New figure who dis. Honestly I knew this figure looked good in the pictures but this is knocking it out of the park in person.
My first ever model shoot!!
i can give feedback on your TouTube channels
16 - 23
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