I found a orange squid on the first wave (on the spacestation)
My white collection is growing (do you guys know any white ships i can get let me know)
My white collection is growing (what do you guys think)
My white collection is growing(what do you guys think)
I have this old pokemon card collection
I have this old pokemon card collection how much is it worth?
How much is this card collection worth its old and i dont know the worth
How much do you think i can sell this old pokemon collection if there are cards that are i kinda rare tell me
Got a pic of me in a skrims game rate it
My new civilian mercenary kit (what should i improve any comment is welcome
Update Complete
I made my own boba fett tactical helmet (its still in the making but i want your thoughts)
I made my own boba fett tactical helmet (still in the making but want your thoughts)
Stormtrooper aim
Why his mic icon is red? Is it because his reputation is to the lowest?
I love this one
Kyogre 180062087097
Primal Kyogre Raid, 7053 9027 6746,Adding first 10, Be ONLINE, if you are accepted you are in
Multiple WB primal kyogre 868518145166
Primal kyogre 5320 7873 5778
Primal kyogre 569159130354
Kyogre 180062087097 doing 3 if you add me you will participate
can anybody help me what i did here. and if it has a name?
white cloud infront of a rain cloud