How to deal with Balls as Weaver
Groups that sing english lyrics well?
Kpop song with the LONGEST title that you can think of
What skin/skins do you wish would return?
Does anyone know about the amount of these that were made?
My Lifeweaver Perk Ideas… thoughts?
Symmetra Perks if they were chosen/designed by me… thoughts?
🚨BREAKING: Cvnt Queen Symmetra releases EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE of her Vacation and last moments with World Renowned Celebrity Gennifer Shield Rator-Vaswani💔
Infinite grief seed glitch?
Has anyone posted all the skins that will be in the next season?
IGNORE PERKS, 5k with rare voice line
Le sserafim confirmed to return
Those triplets that follow Nanami around (I legit forgot their names, LOL) were voted as "Uhh...what's your name again?" Who would you say is the gremlin?
Selfie Time with Dante (Artwork by @dan_3tta)
These are the survey skins we've gotten so far
Whats some crazy interaction between idols and fans?
New skin in lowest quality is horrendous
Anyone else think the new skin makes him look more like a twink?
I'm Sorry But
What photocard is this from?
how it feels to be turned intro a car?
need help finding these, pref help finding them used/second hand cuz i dunno how expensive they might be :<
Which LOONA songs do all of you guys think is gay?
Please make soubeniers throwable like ashe’s rose