Apex Legends: Takeover Anthem Trailer
[Hypermyst] Reputation system might be coming soon!
Conure plays peekaboo
[Hypermyst] A New Legend named "Sparrow" is coming soon
[Hypermyst] Newcastle Heirloom will be released with 3 recolors
[Hypermyst]A New EMP Grenade might be coming SOON 👀‼
[Yorotsuki] New Legend: SANCTUARY tactical: stim grenade/pain zone
Kings Canyon changes possibly coming mid 2025 ⛰️, Olympus changes still planned for Season 24 🏙️
R-99 possibly returning as Ground Loot in S24
The EPG-1 makes Lifeline a legit AC-130 😭
the EPG-1 is finally here..
So there's some new rotations Lifeline can do on Gravity Canons..
Assault and Skirmisher are next to receive class-wide buffs
peackeeper jamming
playing Peekaboo with Catalyst's Ultimate...
[PlayApex] Something is coming... 🚂
Never grappling an enemy again
Let me just go flying past these enemies real quick..
Crazy big Nades during Endgame
no Knockdown Shield 4 U
BIG Grapple + Kraber
Sneaky Vantage gets creative with her Bat
⚡ Details of new Rift Relic: EPG-1, Added from 12.18 (Split 2) A single-shot rocket launcher that explodes on impact, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Rocket jump is possible, Damage: 60 (via YOROTSUKI)
💥 EPG-1 Inspect Animation