What is the best 1983 metal album?
Is there such a thing as "soft heavy metal"?
Who’s the most respected metal band?
What’s a band you want to like, but just can’t
What are your top 3 metallica songs
In your opinion, what's the worst metal genre?
Opinions of Immortal?
What's the best metal music video of all time?
Hey, Metalheads! In your opinion, what are the best metal bands for partying?
What y’all think of this behemoth shirt?
Sizce en overrated şarkı?
One of the most legendary 4 album run in metal history.
What do you guys think is the heaviest Black Sabbath song?
Catchiest 10 songs
Bu adam kim (sadece yanlış cevaplar)
What is the deepest Metallica lyric that you'll never forget?
Bands you love that are very different from your typical listening taste?
R.I.P Eddie
Buna benzer şarkılar önerir misiniz
Which Song?
Which metal band would you hang out with?
Metalciler neden drillcileri sevmiyor?
Albums that arent metal but feel metal as fuck?
Which song is more sad?
Top 3 tracks that define metal.