Krayt's reaction when someone expresses disappointment in Disney Star Wars
Skyrim with mods looks so (subjectively) beautiful
Oversaturation in fantasy fiction
What happened to person who had grayish skin coming out?
Sequel haters are literally the most miserable people in existence, nothing makes them happy.
Is Wu tang clan not political?
How do you creatively handle giving speedsters in your world challenges against non speedsters in your world?
What buzzwords?
What would you call this country?
This nearly gave me a heart attack 😭😭
Frustrating mob behaviour/AI
What's your opinion on urban fantasy?
“No, I haven’t watched the OT, how could you tell?”
How many members does your ideal Justice League roster have?
Thoughts on "firearms" powered by naturally pressurized seaweed?
Cleves Railroad Bridge, Cleves, OH, USA [OC][1600×1168]
What movie made you say, "Holy shit there is still an hour left"?
Never kill the inner child
I was dreading this on my newest play through
It's possibly the closest thing I've ever heard to a dinosaur sound.
They were fighting against people like YOU Elon
All Chris's art quality makes perfect sense.
You’re free to like Revenge of the Sith, but don’t delude yourself that it was a great movie
Don't wanna hear anyone hating on acacia anymore
Are any settings actually like this?