Who would in win a fight between all 50 Freelancer agents and every Simulation Trooper?

The number of Sim Troopers used are canonically unknown but in this scenario it's over 300.

Setting: Is an abandoned city

Equipment: All standard equipment for Sim bases and Freelancer missions


The Sim Troopers get a month of prep time to become a coordinated army to best of their abilities.

The top ten Freelancers are taken from the timeline during SI0.

The Reds and Blues are taken from timeline during SI3. They are the leaders of the Sim Troopers. (Epsilon included)


Some of remaining 40 agents and the countless Sim Troopers can have specialized skills.

Which the top squads lack but these specialists don't have well rounded skills.


Specialized Skills

  • Medical
  • Infiltration (Imposters)
  • Engineering
  • Explosives
  • Vehicle Operating
  • Strategy
  • Stealth
  • Diplomacy
  • Prisoner Taking