Hi, can anyone let me know if this is a love bird or a potato?
scared cause i ate at a restaurant
Is pre packaged food safe four months later
If I am in the U.S and I want to buy something from Europe, but the seller only takes euros, what are ways I can convert USD to euros to pay online?
My phobia made me leave work for the second time
Prob a stupid question but
Advice for transferring
how will U.S election affect gender affirming care
Is it too late to choose a better feeling name?
coworker basically coughed in my face
Stealth at work, voice cracked today for the first time. Boys, am I cooked
What are some misconceptions about being ftm?
scared from doctor
If you could smell the V* from a safe distance, does that mean you inhaled particles? How does the science work?
anyone else get emetophobia related nightmares? (TW words not censored)
My strange hobby
Chameleon loves holding LEGO props!
work is killing me
Toilet bluetooth
How long do you avoid someone who v*?
cold feet
tired of seeing videos online!!
Be real, would you enter the hole?