Which board games came closest to the feel of an immersive sim video game, for you? (In the sense of a single tool having multiple uses, a single goal being achievable using different tools, etc.)
Meet Some of America’s Newest Gun Owners
U.S. Judge blocks Trump administration from transferring transgender inmate
American queers should own guns.
pick one pic
Not sure what to say. This is just...really, really bad.
New UI
Imagine if we had an RE game that was an Immersive Sim
Is there more to Weird West that I'm missing?
Opinion: The Trans Sports Attacks Were Never About Sports
New business model legit has fucked up my life
The irony of calling it the "Protect All Students Act" ~ Ohio lawmakers pass transgender bathroom bill
My sisters living in red counties: how do you maintain your faith in humanity, kindness, and ability to care about others, when you know you're surrounded by people who just voted against your well-being?
Fantasy novels that focus on gender-nonconforming people
Be careful with the name you pick
Wore a bra in public for the first time
i’ve come full circle and i’m now obsessed with the hair 🥹🥹
Jessa Rhodes
Amazing teamwork
Cis lurkers, what are you on here for? Just curious.
What is the benefit (and cost, if any) of asking a guard to kick someone out of a bar?
Please help me find this in-universe book
When US military people say they're "fighting for our freedoms," which freedoms do they mean, specifically?
Pornstars Who Retired Too Soon Vol. 2 - A Supercut
An anthology series that is not science-fiction or horror (and doesn't suck)